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Supply & Resource Protection

Jones & Henry offers the services you need for your water supply.

Working with communities across the Midwest, we perform alternative source studies, hydrogeologic studies, multi-source investigations, raw water conveyance studies, reservoir siting and design, resource evaluation and development, supply augmentation evaluations, and yield analyses.


From conception through completion, Jones & Henry provides comprehensive services associated with groundwater development. We offer a variety of services related to the groundwater industry.

  • Aquifer Analysis (Pump Test Evaluation)
  • Field Representation During Well Construction
  • Fracture Trace Analysis
  • Geophysical Investigations
  • Groundwater Source Investigation
  • Modeling Groundwater Pollution & Remediation
  • Well & Pump Design
  • Wellfield Design/Evaluation

Surface Water

Jones & Henry provides the services you need for one of your most vital assets: surface water. Our projects include stream and lake intakes, raw water and low-service pumping, and on-stream and upground reservoirs.

  • River and lake intakes
  • Raw water and low-service pumping
  • On-stream and upground reservoirs

Resource Protection

Jones & Henry assists water utilities with developing resource protection programs tailored to fit the needs and capabilities of each community.


Jones & Henry uses over 90 years of engineering experience to determine the most appropriate treatment plant design processes.

Design of Treatment Facilities

Our staff considers local desires, economics, raw water characteristics, available space, and future needs in developing the concepts to provide communities with reasonably priced, high-quality water.

Our experience includes the design of extensive plant renovations and expansions, as well as new

  • Source Water Analysis and Layout
  • Process Selection and Layout
  • Alternative Solution Development
  • Cost Evaluations
  • Renovation, Retrofitting, and Expansion
  • Complete Plant Design

Development of Treatment Alternatives and Options

Our experienced staff will evaluate process options and recommend specific alternatives to meet your local needs. We can engineer cost-effective solutions for problems caused by PFAS, excessive iron and manganese, volatile organic compounds, radionuclides, hardness, or other contaminants. And that’s our goal.


Locating and adequately treating a plentiful water supply are just some water-related challenges communities encounter; you must also address distribution and storage.

Jones & Henry has helped many communities develop distribution and water storage systems by thoroughly analyzing hydraulics and system capabilities. We have designed underground, ground-level, and elevated water storage reservoirs.

Distribution & Storage

Jones & Henry has analyzed numerous distribution systems and recommended improvements such as water line extensions and reinforcement, elevated and ground storage, and pressure boosting. Our reports typically include a node map of the distribution network and a prioritized listing of recommended improvements with their associated estimated cost. We use computer models to analyze system hydraulics and evaluate system capabilities.

Our water distribution system services include:

  • Field testing of system pressure and flows
  • Distribution system modeling
  • Analysis of present and projected future conditions
  • Prioritizing improvements
  • Cost estimating
  • Water line design

Pumping and Storage

Our water distribution and storage engineering services help ensure sufficient water transmission at adequate pressure to every point in the system. As a result, maximum-day, maximum-hour, and fire flow conditions are all met with safety and reserve.

These services include:

  • Storage volume evaluations
  • Pump station reviews
  • High service pumping
  • Complete facilities design
  • Pump station reviews
  • Site and storage tank selections
  • Pressure boosting
  • Water hammer analysis and control

Lead Water Service Replacement

Over the past few years, lead drinking water pipe materials have become the focus of renewed interest in the aftermath of drinking water contamination from lead pipe corrosion.

With communities of all sizes looking for ways to prevent water contamination, many are working to develop proactive responses to this devastating issue. And we’ve been at the forefront of this.

Since 2017, Jones & Henry has paved the way for Midwestern communities to take a new and voluntary approach to lead water service replacement.

The New Approach:

Proactive Lead Water Service Replacement

We originally developed our proactive lead water service replacement process for a northwest Ohio regional water and sewer district. This project involved the replacement of 350 lead water services.

There was no specific concern with drinking-water quality mandating the project; instead, our client commissioned the work proactively to address potential lead in drinking water.

Working from regulatory guidance, Jones & Henry Engineers developed a project approach from papers published by many of the world’s top research institutions specializing in lead in drinking water. It proved successful with this client and helped influence recent regulatory changes.

What’s Next?

As many communities evaluate their water systems and explore ways to remove all known lead pipe materials from existing water services for the safety and well-being of their residents, we’re here to be your partner throughout the process.

Don’t wait until it’s too late—partner with Jones & Henry for your next lead water service replacement project.