Greenville, Ohio

Jones & Henry designed upgrades at Greenville’s WWTP including replacing four final clarifiers, valves and piping. The existing clarifier equipment was aging and underperforming. The existing skimming mechanism was inefficient causing elevated levels of TSS and at times “red tide” issues. The new mechanisms included two full length skimmer arms and troughs, covered launders and galvanized equipment to prolong its useful life. Once the new equipment was online, TSS results were markedly lower. The clarifiers are designed to handle a total peak hourly flow of 13 mgd. The project also included an analysis of existing piping to improve hydraulics and some valve replacement. Existing clarifier effluent and EQ discharge piping was replaced and separated to alleviate hydraulic issues.

Our work continued with the addition of an ultraviolet disinfection system, replacement of the influent screen, and a new storage building. The ultraviolet disinfection system was placed within their chlorine contact tank structure which was covered to form the floor of the new storage building, aw well as to save on plant space.

We have recently begun the design for a new solids dewatering facility and storage including a new administration building.

Biosolids Handling Improvements

The Greenville solids handling project is in design phase and the project scope includes design for a new aerobic digestion system (along with all the equipment such as diffusers, blowers etc.), new dewatering building (along with all the equipment such as dewatering press, polymer system, conveyors etc.)  and a new biosolids storage building, upgrades to waste activated pump and conveyance system and new admin building.

In the preceding planning phase, several solids handling options were evaluated and the subsequent pilot testing of various dewatering equipment lead to dewatering equipment selection. The new solids handling improvements will result in Greenville having a new solids facility that can produce Class B Biosolids with a design plan to upgrade to a future Class A Biosolids system.