Battle Creek, Michigan

Jones & Henry has been providing water system engineering solutions since the 1920s.

The City’s Radon, Iron, and Manganese (RIM) Removal Facility has been in service since 1996. The existing facility utilizes aeration, contact, and filtration to remove radon, iron, and manganese from the City’s well water. The existing filter media has reached the end of its useful life and iron and manganese breakthrough is happening in progressively shorter intervals. Jones & Henry worked with the City to plan this critical project.

Complicating the project was its original design. During its original design, the State had permitted plant bypassing, but new standards do not allow for bypassing of a radon removal facility. As such, there are no provisions for isolating portions of the plant for repairs or maintenance. Jones & Henry devised a stop log system that will allow for construction of the current project and future maintenance. Included in the project are full rehabilitation of the anthracite and sand filter cells, new weirs, cleaning and leveling of the aerators, new low lift pump variable frequency drives, new compressed air piping, new filter controls, process valve replacements, lighting replacements to energy-efficient LED, and HVAC upgrades to control building humidity and condensation driven corrosion.

The project was publicly bid and awarded to Davis Construction. Jones & Henry provided construction administration and oversight for the work. Cooperation and coordination were keys to ensuring the completion of the necessary work did not affect the drinking water production of the RIM plant. Complicating construction was the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 which required limited City Staff contact with the construction team. Jones & Henry worked as a middleman to ensure that the City’s needs were met while keeping all project stakeholders safe.