Yellow Springs, Ohio

Jones & Henry teamed with Shook Construction Company for the design and construction of a new groundwater supply 1.0 mgd water treatment plant. In this format, the Village originally contracted with a consulting engineering firm to serve as the Criteria Engineer that prepared bridging documents. Jones & Henry ultimately performed the duties of the Design Consultant and the Engineer of Record for the project.

As part of the design new chemical facilities were required including chlorine disinfection, caustic soda, sodium permanganate and carbon dioxide. The existing facility utilized gaseous chlorine for disinfection. As part of the design an alternatives comparison of gaseous chlorine, bulk sodium hypochlorite and onsite generation of sodium hypochlorite were considered with bulk sodium hypochlorite as the selected alternative.

The construction project consisted of a new well and treatment plant, and improvements to the existing pump building and clearwell. The new bulk sodium hypochlorite facility consisted of two bulk storage tanks, two day tanks (prefilter and post filter), metering pumps, controls, instrumentation, integration of SCADA, truck unloading and associated piping/injection equipment.

The new plant was brought on-line in December 2017. The sodium hypochlorite equipment is pictured to the right.